Insanity Workout Schedule

Insanity Workout Schedule | Reviews, Pros & Cons of Workout

When it comes to selecting a workout routine, there seem to be countless options on the market today for everyone from beginners to advanced fitness enthusiasts. The Insanity Workout program schedule from Beachbody is one of the most popular at-home exercise regimens on the market today.

It is a 60-day, total-body conditioning DVD workout program designed to get you optimum results in a short period of time. The system is recorded on 10 DVDs, encompassing bodyweight workouts, simple to do at home. Shaun T, who has been featured in the famous Hip Hop Abs DVDs, takes you through the 10 workouts that include plyometric drills with resistance, abs, and strength as well as core training intervals that use MAX Interval Training. The MAX Interval Training is simply long bursts, maximum-intensity exercises with brief rest periods, meant to scorch fats and calories and get you an amazing physique in 60 days.

Each workout of the insanity program is about 45 minutes to slightly an hour long. The insanity workout program should be done in 6 weeks, and there is hardly any respite while engaging in the exercises. The main aim of Shaun T is to help you achieve extreme fat loss and transform your body. It is a very challenging workout system that many say is like packing in a year’s worth of workouts in just 60 days.

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What Does Insanity Workout Schedule Come With?

The program includes more than a simple set of workout DVDs. It comes with the Dig Deeper Introductory DVD, an Elite Nutrition guide, 10 workouts, and a calendar with a Fit Test Tracker that helps you track your progress. There is no need for additional equipment to complete the Insanity program since it uses the resistance of the body.

You will only need to put on your workout attire, ensure that you are in a supportive pair of shoes and your pop DVD. The plan involves six days per week of exercise for 45 minutes at a time. There are also shorter second periods of rest and slow-paced exercises in between for recovery. Here is the proper schedule for the Insanity workout.

  • The Dig Deeper DVD and Fit Test: Shaun T includes this test to kick off the program and test your body to see the level you are beginning at. It is a 30-minute test that you will do repeatedly in the course of the program to track results and gauge whether your fitness level is improving.
  • Cardio and Max Recovery: every week, you will follow this DVD workout. It gives you a chance to take a slight break from maximum-intensity workouts that are common with Insanity. It is 33 minutes long and mainly aims to help you recover from the strenuous exercises of the past few weeks. It is used throughout the entire program period.
  • Plyometric cardio circuit: this is designed to burn fats and calories with intervals of high-intensity cardio exercises combined with lower-body plyometric workouts. The workout is 42 minutes long and aims to make you drenched in sweat. You start using it during the first of the program series and intermittently throughout.
  • Fitness guide: if you are like many others and do not like reading directions before beginning the latest gadget, then this guide is what you will need. It is very brief, with a step-by-step guide clearly outlined to give you the minimal information you need to begin the program immediately.
  • Workout calendar: this calendar is essentially your booklet with instructions on completing the program correctly for optimum results. The calendar explains how the DVDs work and provides weekly schedules for the 60 days. It also allows you to track progress and monitor your improvements along the way.
  • Cardio Power and Resistance: this is a training exercise that focuses more on upper body strength and muscle definition. It is a 40-minute workout and is used in the first month of the program.
  • Max Interval Plyo: a 55-minute training exercise that’s very challenging for the legs. It is used in the second month of the program.
  • Max Cardio conditioning and cardio abs: this exercise is similar to pure cardio as it focuses on high-intensity cardio exercises. It lasts for 65 minutes, which is just enough for extreme cardio, with no breaking or pausing. It promises to be a challenging workout in the series when it comes to endurance as it combines a lack of recovery time or breaks.
  • Pure cardio and cardio abs (55 minutes): this is a hardcore routine that will definitely test your limits. The exercise comes during the first and second months of the program, and by the end, you should see remarkable improvements from the time you start till you complete it.
  • Core cardio and balance (37 minutes): when you reach this exercise of the Insanity program, then you will have entered the recovery portion and are midway through it. It comes after 30 days, meaning you should have definite results. The workout allows you to take a break from high-intensity exercises.

Pros and cons of Insanity Workout Schedule

Insanity is widely popular and has a few limitations, but more strong advantages. Here are some of its pros and cons that you should consider before ordering the program.


  • The program is developed to help you take cardio fitness to high levels by challenging the body every day in different ways.
  • It encompasses a variety of workouts every day and helps you avoid boredom from just one routine.
  • Shaun T included easy exercises, which he explains in detail.
  • Regardless of your fitness levels, you can easily complete the program at your own pace and engage in many reps to the finish.
  • Insanity is developed for just anyone since you just need a DVD player. No equipment is required, so you can do it anywhere you are, even while traveling.
  • The program comes with a nutritional guide as well to help you learn the exercise efficiently and have a healthy diet.
  • No need to go to the gym or buy additional equipment.


  • High-intensity workouts can discourage beginners or those with ailments. The program is also not designed for obese or people suffering from heart disease.
  • It can be easy to get distracted since it is an at-home program.
  • There is no weight training other than light-to-moderate bodyweight movements, so it’s not for those looking for massive hypertrophy.

Customer Reviews of Insanity Workout Schedule

“This is an INSANE program! I’ve already done it, and don’t know why I’m still reading reviews about it! I will definitely start it again. Awesome and highly recommended INSANE program”. (Mathew, San Diego).

“Hello guys, I wanted to express my opinion about Insanity… I’m a 20-year-old dude, I work mostly on my PC and have NEVER been athletic. Insanity Workout has been exactly what I’ve always needed. I lost 18 pounds and my endurance, together with strength and confidence are way up! Thank you!” (Asroboy, Texas).

Where to buy Insanity Workout Schedule

There are several places where you can order the Insanity Workout Program Schedule. We recommend as you get free shipping and benefit from Amazon’s excellent return policy.

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