Osho Active Meditations

Osho Active Meditations | To Reach a Higher Spiritual Level

Active Meditations were developed by Osho. He is one of the world’s most famous spiritual teachers, even though he is no longer in a body. His influence on humanity has given a new impetus to the entire world. He does not dismiss emotions as something unimportant but rather provides very concrete practical techniques to transform emotions in order to reach a higher spiritual level. This distinguishes Osho’s active meditations.

Osho Active Meditations are Exercises

It is not really meditation. It is only a preparation for meditation. A preparation with which you can bring your instrument – ​​body, thoughts, feeling, and willingness – to a point where they are no longer the determining factor. You are developing the ability to witness all those energies pretending to be you.

Active meditations are energetic exercises in attentiveness, vigilance, and awareness at every moment of your vibrant life. With active meditation, you prepare your instrument. When your instrument is tuned and in order, you are in silence. Then meditation begins, and you are completely there. You’ve woken yourself up by jumping, dancing, breathing, and yelling – all of these are means to make you a little more attentive than you usually are.

Once attentive, be! This Being is meditation. Wait without waiting. Wait with full openness and attentiveness. Wait without desire. Doesn’t ‘it’ come, let it be.

As soon as ‘it’ comes, it comes over you, descends, surrounds you, dances around you, washes you clean, cleanses you, and transforms you. This energy is your pure consciousness. For a moment, long or short, you are in the NOW. Nothing to do with your past, nothing to do with the future. Here there is a level of Consciousness that is beyond the ego and determined by body, thoughts, feeling, and will. 

This experience always signifies the state of enlightenment itself. Beyond the ego, where the shadow of the ego – the separate sense of self – is completely absent. It is a leap from I to We. That is the real Meditation, Consciousness.
Human relationships only fundamentally change when they are based on this breakthrough. When they are based on a shared experience and recognition of consciousness beyond ego-being.

The Uniqueness of Osho Active Meditations

is that they are designed for the ‘busy upper room’ of today’s man. Restless as we are, it’s hard to sit still, relax and just be there. It is seldom silent within us. In a continuous stream of thoughts and images, the clarity about our being is completely obscured.

Meditation is about the quality of perception, the way you are aware and alert. The attention to what you do and what goes on inside you; the attention you put into your actions. In the totality of doing, what you do no longer matters. Doing has become an Art, the Art of Meditation!

Active meditations give you the opportunity to push or even remove your personal limits. By going beyond the limitations that control your daily life, more space and clarity are experienced. There is room again for the Love and harmony that we naturally are.

Out of Your Roof and in Your Center

By doing Active Meditations it is possible to go absolutely crazy. You can express your joy, your intimacy, your rejections to yourself and to others, your pain, your sadness, and your loss unconditionally, without taboos, without boundaries.

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Books by Osho

In 1990, 100,000 Osho books were sold worldwide. Last year that was more than 4.5 million books.
In the Netherlands and Belgium alone, 25,000 Dutch-language books were sold.
It is possible to get out of your chair and actively experience what Osho is talking about, and actively participate in meditation.
It is precisely during active, social meditations that you can experience how beneficial and purifying it is when the hidden and repressed emotions in you come into motion and your energy starts flowing again.

Hidden and Repressed Emotions

It is precisely during Osho active meditations that you can experience how beneficial and purifying it is when the hidden and repressed emotions in you come into motion and your energy starts to flow fully again, only then can meditation enter.

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