Sudden Hair Loss in Women

Sudden Hair Loss in Women | Prevention by Essential Vitamins


Sudden Hair loss in women is one of the most common disorders that a woman can ever experience. Hair loss in women can be due to a variety of reasons, the most common amongst them being hormone imbalance in the body, post-menopausal symptoms, too much stress and tension, improper maintenance of hair, and the intake of heavy medications. Let us delve further into the causes and treatments for hair loss in women.

Sudden Hair loss in women is one of the most common disorders ever faced by women around the world. Sudden Hair loss in women leads to low self-esteem, getting ashamed when going out, and also having low confidence. Hair is the crowning glory of women and many times the personality of the woman changes when she has beautiful hair. Naturally, women become extremely worried when they begin to lose their hair permanently.

The cycle of shedding hair and then growing hair takes almost 2 months. But when the cycle is interrupted where hair stops growing then it becomes a matter of concern. Most hair loss problems occur when the hair follicles become too narrow to grow hair or they become completely dysfunctional. This can be again due to a variety of reasons. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons for hair loss in women and learn how to stop hair fall immediately.

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Causes of Sudden Hair Loss in Women

Too much stress

Because of more responsibilities and changing lifestyles, women are more exposed to stress than ever before. As a result, their overall health is affected including the growth of their hair which is adversely affected. Stress leads to marginal damage to the body physically and also there are a lot of changes in the body’s hormone system. Due to hormonal imbalances in the body, women begin to shed their hair at a faster rate than the growth of hair. The final result is loss of hair in patches of the scalp.


Hereditary is also one of the most common causes of sudden hair loss in women. Women whose parents have suffered from hair loss have a 90% chance of experiencing hair loss themselves.

Heavy Medications

Heavy medications given by doctors during prolonged illness can also lead to sudden hair loss in women. Medications come with their own side effects and one of the most common side effects is hair loss. As a result, doctors are recommending herbal supplements for women which are proving to be more effective than most of the medicines and also have no side effects.

Improper Maintenance

A woman should take utmost care of her hair. She should use good shampoos, conditioners, and oils for her hair. The shampoos and the conditioners should be chemical-free as the presence of harmful chemicals may damage the hair. If the hair is not maintained properly, the normal growth and health of the hair suffer.


Menopause happens because the body’s ability to produce the important hormone estrogen begins to decrease gradually. Due to hormonal changes in the body, a woman begins to lose her hair. The changes are not temporary but permanent.


Women begin to lose their hair after pregnancy. This is again because a woman’s body experiences a lot of changes before, during, and after pregnancy.

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Treatments: How to Stop Hair Fall Immediately


There are special medications that doctors prescribe for hair loss. Medications like Rogaine are widely used by women for hair loss.

Balanced diet

Women suffering from hair loss should have a proper diet high in vitamins, proteins, and iron as these components help to make hair strong and shiny. Foods high in fat should be avoided at all costs.


In case there are many bald spots on the head in women due to exercise hair loss, the doctors may have to inject steroids in those patches. Injecting steroids for two months can help in reversing female pattern hair loss.

Use of oils

Massaging your head with oil twice or thrice a week does work wonders for your hair. This is because massaging improves blood circulation and helps to keep the hair follicles stronger resulting in healthier hair.

Hair replacement surgery

Hair replacement surgery is the latest technique for treating hair loss in women who have bald spots on their heads. It consists of transplanting artificial hair in the patches on the woman’s head where there is no hair.

Vitamins for Sudden Hair Loss in Women

What is the best vitamin for hair loss?

A diet rich in vitamins should be followed for maintaining the overall health of the body. Vitamins help in building stronger and healthier hair.

Leafy vegetables, fruits, eggs, and milk products should be included in your daily diet as they supply all the vitamins required by your body.

Hair loss is common in people who have a deficiency of vitamin B in their bodies. Hence people should see to it that they acquire the required amounts of vitamin B for their bodies. Vitamin B is relatively scarce in natural foods and hence there are capsules and pills available for the same. Vitamin B5 is found to be very good for healthy hair growth.

Likewise, certain types of amino acids are required in small amounts for normal hair growth. Also, people who have insufficient amounts of B12 in their bodies are known to suffer from hair loss later.

On the other hand, large doses of vitamin A can do more harm than good. This is because large doses of vitamin A can lead to sudden Hair loss in women. Often the hair will grow back when the intake of vitamin A is restricted to a particular level.

There are also certain fatty acids derived from food that can make your hair healthier and also prevent the growth of dry and brittle hair.

The important sources of Vitamin B are eggs, nuts, soybean, peas, and carrots. Vitamin B complex supplements are easily available in the market.

Vitamin C is also very essential for improving blood circulation in the scalp. If the scalp is healthy then the hair will be healthy too.

Likewise, vitamin E is also essential for the normal growth of hair as it improves blood circulation to the scalp.

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