Yoga Nidra for Sleep

Yoga Nidra for Sleep

Introduction to Yoga Nidra for Sleep

Yoga is the ancient Indian science of spiritual and mental discipline which involves meditation and various postures (called asanas) to help unite the body and soul. There are many advantages of yoga including a strong and flexible body, mental calmness, weight loss, and overall good health. One of the areas where yoga has shown tremendous benefit is good sleep. When it comes to sleep, it is the quality of sleep that matters and not just the time spent. Yoga Nidra for sleep can work wonders for your overall health. Insomnia affects about 30% of the adult population at a given time and is a chronic health-related problem.

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Should You Try Yoga Before Anything Else??? Yes!!!

Sleeping pills, whether prescriptive or Over-the-Counter, are not without side effects. Most of them are sedative-hypnotics which can decrease the respiratory rate and cause drowsiness. They can also cause diarrhea, burning in hands and feet, change in appetite, and dry mouth. People with asthma and breathing allergies have to take special precautions while using these medicines. Behavioral and psychological training sessions can be expensive, require multiple sessions, and do not often work. Yoga for a good night’s sleep is a simple alternative that can be easily done at home and produces long and lasting peaceful sleep. Yoga works on the roots of the problems to help you find a solution for your real problems.

Yoga Nidra for Sleep Poses or Asanas

Well-known yoga asanas like pranayam improve breathing, reduce stress, and calm the mind leading to good sleep. Most commonly used yoga asanas for good sleep are savasana (corpse pose), nadi shodhan pranayama (alternate nostril breathing), shishuasana (child pose), hastpadasana (forward bend), and ardh matsyendrasana (sitting with a half spinal twist).

  • Shavasna for Yoga Nidra Sleep

Shavasna is the eternal relaxing pose. Lie down straight on a flat surface, close your eyes and shift your attention to the body and focus on breathing. This takes your mind off anxiety & stress.

  • Nadi Shodhan Pranayam

Pranayam involves deep breathing from one nostril at a time while blocking the other one. It not only cleanses the respiratory system but also relaxes the nervous system.

  • Shishuasana

Involves sitting on your heels and bending forwards with your head touching the ground. It relaxes the muscles of the back and the nervous system.

  • Hastpadasana

Involves forward bending while standing again relaxes the muscles of the back. This increases the elasticity of the spine and increases blood flow to the brain.

  • Matsyendrasana

Involves sitting and half twisting your body on either side which increases the blood flow to the spine and increases circulation.
Many other postures have been used in yoga for good sleep which includes supta buddha konasana (butterfly pose), uttansana (standing forward bend), and marjariasana (cat stretch).

Other Benefits of Yoga

Besides its obvious advantages in insomnia, yoga has many other advantages. It is a complete exercise that causes a workout of not only all the muscles in the body but also the mind. The constant use of the muscles adds strength and flexibility leading to a lean and supple body. The movement in joints prevents diseases like arthritis and gout. As with any exercise, it prevents weight loss and problems associated with it like diabetes and hypertension. Yoga postures help in removing stress and hormones associated with

It leads to the development of a good immune system which prevents infections and keeps the body healthy.
Yoga has asanas/postures for all kinds of people. Some like Shavasana are mild where as some asanas can be intense and require time before you perfect them. People with diseases and physical disabilities should do these asanas under trained teachers. These exercises should not be done under the influence of sedatives or alcohol. For mental exercises, the room should be peaceful and clean. Yoga for good sleep is beneficial but only when done in the right way.

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